Posts about

Digital (2)

ASH 2022 : Les actualités retenues susceptibles de changer les pratiques en hématologie

Digital, hemato-oncology, Oncology

Le 64ème Congrès de l'American Society of Hematology (ASH) a rencontré un grand succès de...


Digital, hemato-oncology, Social Media Listening, Oncology

The 64th ASH annual meeting and exposition took place on December 10-13, 2022 in New Orleans. The...


Digital, hemato-oncology, Social Media Listening, Oncology

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting is a flagship event in the global...

Atopic Dermatitis: are topical steroid-based treatments on the out?

Digital, Social Media Listening, atopic dermatitis

Bringing attention to topical steroid withdrawal AKA #TSW

A social media listening study can be...

Social Media Impact of #ASH2021

Digital, Social Media Listening, ASH

Social media impact of the 63rd ash annual meeting & exposition 2021

AplusA exhibited in-person...

What is the Social impact of disease awareness months? the example of Atopic dermatitis

Digital, Social Media Listening, atopic dermatitis

Are Disease Awareness months really worth it?

We see more and more disease awareness months, every...

Social Media insights - 2021 ASCO annual meeting

Digital, hemato-oncology, Social Media Listening, Oncology

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting is a flagship event in the global...

Social Media Listening, Intelligence, Monitoring; What difference does it make?

Digital, Social Media Listening

Social data analytics,social media researchonline market research,social media listening, ...

Welcoming the new-look AplusA website!

AplusA News, Digital

You might have noticed that our site looks a little different. We wanted to share the story behind...

Availability vs Patient Usage of New Digital GP Services

Healthcare Industry, Digital

New apps and devices are constantly being designed with the intention of simplifying or...