SMML #4 Focus on patients during Multiple Myeloma awareness month

The goal of this newsletter is to give an overview of what is happening around multiple myeloma in terms of medical developments. This is achieved by monitoring news articles, PR releases and scientific reports on one hand. Conversations from HCPs, digital opinion leaders and other influencers attending congresses, offering their opinion on treatments and commenting on new developments on the other hand.



Who will benefit from this newsletter? 

Any professionals interested in keeping up with developments around multiple myeloma:

      • Marketers
      • Business Analysts
      • But also HCPs who want to anticipate the future landscape of MM management


The scope of the analysis is focused on mentions coming worldwide.*

There were a total of 28K mentions from patients recorded during the listening period from March 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2023.

A majority of mentions came from Twitter (42%), News (40%), Instagram (13%), Forums (2%), Reddit (1%), Blogs (1%), and tumblr (1%).

A total of 6K unique authors were identified.

*: Myeloma OR multiplemyeloma OR #Mmsm OR #Myeloma* OR #Curemyeloma* OR #Mmmrd OR #mmsm OR title: ("multiple myeloma" OR myeloma)



Promo réseaux sociaux



Some extracts from SMML: 

Focus on patients during MM awareness month

Promo réseaux sociaux (1)

Topic of discussions

Sans titre (12)-1

Sans titre (13)





Discover the entire newsletter with additional verbatims, hot off the press, the posts that receive the most engagement as well as the drug market watch.

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